The story revolves around a young woman named Mutta , the naive and kindhearted twin sister of Munin , who one day went to Bangkok to find a job. There she met Vikit who later became her co-worker. Vikit and Mutta became friends, but she didn’t correspond his feelings for her and that left Vikit heartbroken. When she met her boss named Chenphop, she instantly fell in love with him ,but Chenphop, a vain and shallow womanizer, already had a wife and three children.
When Chenphop’s wife, Nopnapha found out that her husband was having an affair with Mutta, she publicly humiliated her and forced her husband to stop seeing her. Then Mutta realized that her lover would not stand for her, breaking all the promises he had made to her. She fell into a deep depression and went back to her hometown where she committed suicide. On that same day her twin sister Munin came back home from the States. She blamed herself for having been one of the causes of her sister’s death and used her identical looks to exact revenge from those she perceived had wronged her sister. Thus she went to Bangkok and pretended to be Mutta.
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Page Information
Page Link: raeng-ngao-2012
Updated by: chenna
Last Update: January 15, 2019