Din Nam Lom Fai

Also Known As: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire
Genre: Action Drama
Episodes: 17
Broadcast Network: Thai TV3
Release Year: 2009


Ever since the Vietnam War, The country of America sent their troops in to be stationed in Thailand. The drug named, “heroine” then becomes known all over the world with Thailand as the main producer and export. Outlaws start to rise and it becomes a drug selling ring across countries that has power above right in the country. Dealing with these outlaws is difficult when the law is unable to punish them. 4 anonymous hero’s whom are Din, Narm, Lorm, and Fai (Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire) then becomes the headmen to gathering the villagers to go against the outlaws and they don’t want much except for the peace of the country.

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Page Information

Page Link: din-nam-lom-fai
Updated by: chenna
Last Update: March 5, 2019