Hoi Un Chun Ruk Tur

Also Known As: Hoi Un, I love You
Genre: Drama Romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast Network: Thai TV3
Release Year: 2005


Man ran away from an engagement and went to Vietnam. While traveling in Vietnam, he met Huang Ma and got into a accident, which cause him to loose his memory. Man spend his time in Vietnam with Huang Mai and she  gave him the name Yuelei. They both develop feelings for each other. Not long, Man’s Fiancee had decided to come and look for him in Vietnam. She struggles and took Man back to Thailand. When he got back to Thailand , Man lost all his memories of Huang Mai.

Page Information

Page Link: hoi-un-chun-ruk-tur
Updated by: chenna
Last Update: January 15, 2019