Nang Sao Pha Kee Riw

Also Known As: Miss Frumpy
Genre: Comedy Romance
Episodes: 13
Broadcast Network: Thai TV3
Release Year: 2008


Poo is a heir to a music company. His flirtation with girls has cause his father to hire Gnamtha, A Thai version of “ugly Betty” to be his assistant to keep him out of trouble.  Poo try to get rid of Gnamtha, so he sends her on meaningless errands and appoint her to do menial tasks. However, Gnamtha being her determined self, refuses to give in. The two eventually found common ground and he realizes that she is a great asset to him. As Poo  faces a company take over and his father’s illness, Noon remains by his side. But as his problems are solved, he must figure out a way to keep Gnamtha by his side.

Page Information

Page Link: nang-sao-pha-kee-riw
Updated by: chenna
Last Update: December 4, 2018