“Prajun Lai Payak (Tiger Moon)” is a tale of jealous and competition between two women who grew up together like sisters. “Aum” Patcharapa Chaichuea is Janchai and Yui Jiranan is Parndeun (or just Deun), their fathers were both police officers.
When Janchai became orphaned as a child after witnessing her father and Parnduan’s father being shoot to death by a gang of drug dealers, Nuan (“Tum” Rotrin Janthara), Parndeun’s mother, took Janchai in and raised Janchai like her own daughter. Janchai grew up well supported and loved by Nuan, her daugther Parndeun, and Nuan’s son Tiwa (“San” Prachakorn Piyasakulkaew).
After they graduate from school, both Janchai and Parndeun decide to follow in their fathers’ foot step and tried out for the police academy. They both got in.
Their relationship began to fall apart when they entered the police academy because Janchai proved to be better at everything compared to Deun. She was better liked, better respected by their pairs, more skilled, and Annon (“Weir” Sukollawat Kanaros), their field trainer, liked her better than Deun. Fueled by competition and jealously, Deun began to disregard her sisterly bond with Janchai and their relationship began to crumble.
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Page Information
Page Link: prajan-lai-payak
Updated by: chenna
Last Update: September 20, 2022